We enjoy coding on our own or together. Check out some of our projects. Assets listed below.

Space Rocks!
A fun little game

Use the arrow keys to turn the white dot and dodge the hexagons. Made based on this video/tutorial.

The Floor Is Lava
Experience different mini-games in a world where the floor is lava. Made based on these tutorials.

Free fall and don't hit anything.

Color Roll
Use the left and right arrows to steer the ball and avoid hitting obstacles.

Bomb or Balls
Tap the balls before they land, avoid the bombs. Made based on this project tutorial.

Cone-Struction Race
Hurdle the cones. Made based on this project tutorial.

Amaze Balls
Collect the cubes and avoid the red enemies. Made based on this tutorial.

Garden Race
Collect cubes and race to the shed. Made based on this tutorial.
Amaze Balls: All assets free on the Unity Asset Store
Garden Race: Trees, grass, fence, ball and house
Cone-Struction and Bomb or Balls: All assets are here
Space Rocks: All assets from Code.org Game Lab